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Re: MANCHESTER UNITED 2015/16: Youth, Courage, Greatness

PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2016 4:08 pm
by Gooner
off-pitch дээр мань хүний биеэ авч явж байгаа, юу өмсөж байна гэдгийг нь шар хэвлэлүүд цацна гэдгээс л гэрээний агуулга нь ороод эхлэнэ шдээ image-rights payment гээд, талбай дээр гаргаж байгаа перформанс ч гэсэн муу биш шдээ, Францдаа л тааруу байгаагаас биш.. тэгээд энэ харууд чинь дуу хөгжим энээ тэрээ ороод ирэхээрээ царай зүс хамаарахгүй болдийм биш үү, снүүп-догг, Вэст энэ тэр гээд зүгээр л бусдыг араасаа дагуулдаг байхад л болно.. гоол ч чухал биш.. гол нь загвар дизайн, хэлбэрдэхдээ айн :ногоон: энэ Вэстийн сонин гутал л одоо аймаар трэнд үүсгээл гарууд тэрэн дээр нь алалцах юмаа кк.. тэхээр харуудын имиж, соёл гэж бас нэг юм байх шиг байнаа..

Re: MANCHESTER UNITED 2015/16: Youth, Courage, Greatness

PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2016 4:25 pm
by LeMoN
Погба нэг жил хүлээнэ гэж бодохгүй л байна.Явбал Реал Барса нь авах биз

Re: MANCHESTER UNITED 2015/16: Youth, Courage, Greatness

PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2016 4:28 pm
by CrossBonez
Барнаба wrote:Популяр стар гэхээр ер нь гоал их хийдэг нөхдүүд л байдаг шт. Погба-н өнөөгийн популяр байдал нь оргил нь юм биш үү. Хүмүүс, хүүхдүүд чинь илүү уян хатан, гоёмсог тоглодог тоглогчдыг үзэх дуртай байна, хүүхнүүд бол илүү царай зүс харна, ямар Хамес шиг царайгаараа жерсигээ зараад байж чадах биш, дээр нь Погба-г харахад их эвсэлгүй гэмээр юм шиг горзойсон туранхай хар нөхөр л дэнхийгээд, гүйгээд байна, ядаж байхад дунд тоглоно, тэгэж их тоглолт болгонд гоалдоод байхгүй.

Яг тоглолтыг нь улирлын турш хөөгөөд үзэх юм бол ойлгох байхоо, яагаад дэлхийн шилдэг 11-т багтсан бэ, яагаад ийм их үнэ хүрээд байна гэх мэт. Погбаг бол би ур чадвараараа Нэй, Бэйл 2-той л ижил түвшинд яваа гэж боддог. Төвийг эзэгнэдэг нөхөр ш д, Еврогоор харин тааруухан байгаад байна. Зизу-тай төстэй санагддаг юм, Маню авчих юм бол Моу-н удирдлаганд баллах байхоо, ядаж байхад Мхит, Ибра 2 ирчихсэн байдаг. Айж л байна шүү. :smile:

Re: MANCHESTER UNITED 2015/16: Youth, Courage, Greatness

PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2016 4:34 pm
by Барнаба
Энд ерөөсөө тоглолтын чанарынх нь тухай яриагүй байна л даа, уулаасаа мундаг гэдгийг нь мэдэж байна. Цаашаа дахиад сайжрах нь ойлгомжтой. Зүгээр л Роналдо шиг популяр болж чадах уу л гэж асуугаад байгаам, талбайн гаднах байдлаараа.

Re: MANCHESTER UNITED 2015/16: Youth, Courage, Greatness

PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2016 4:45 pm
by Gooner
Off-pitch дээр хэдэн жилийн дараа Нэймар, Погба 2 тулна биз.. Найк нь Нэймараа НБА, Жордан руу явуулчлаа, Адидас нь Погбаг одоо тэгээд Вэст энэ тэр гээд гэрээтэй нөхдүүдтэйгээ нийлүүлж бариад юм хум хийнэ байх өө.. тэгж байж энэ их мөнгө зараад худалдаж авч зарж байгаа, гэрээний төлбөрийн мөнгөө хийхгүй бол зүгээр суулгана гэж байхгүй дээ..

Re: MANCHESTER UNITED 2015/16: Youth, Courage, Greatness

PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2016 5:14 pm
by CrossBonez
Барнаба wrote:Энд ерөөсөө тоглолтын чанарынх нь тухай яриагүй байна л даа, уулаасаа мундаг гэдгийг нь мэдэж байна. Цаашаа дахиад сайжрах нь ойлгомжтой. Зүгээр л Роналдо шиг популяр болж чадах уу л гэж асуугаад байгаам, талбайн гаднах байдлаараа.

Гоол хийдэггүй, падан хар царайтай, бүдүүн баараг нөхөр болхоор од болж чадахгүй гэсэн юм байх гэж бодоод л ур чадвар нь байхад алдар нэр аяндаа дагана аа л гэсийн.

Re: MANCHESTER UNITED 2015/16: Youth, Courage, Greatness

PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2016 10:55 pm
by Boldono
Манайх ер нь дөрвөн тоглогч авах зорилготой байсан юм байна. Авсан гурав дээрээ нэмээд нэг том нэр л ирэх байх. Лозано бол нэмэлт наймаа л юм шиг байна. Нөхөрийн асуудал олимпын дараа тодорхой болно гээд байгаа. Моу кареерийнхаа турш 49 залуу тоглогч дэвшүүлсэн юм байхаа. Сэтгүүлчийн асуултанд хариу барьсан л хариулт хэн мэдэхэв. Рүүниг бол довтлогчоор л тоглуулна гэнэ. Хэзээ ч хагасаар тоглуулахгүй л гэж байна.

Re: MANCHESTER UNITED 2015/16: Youth, Courage, Greatness

PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 1:00 am
by Mojul
Фосу Мэнсагаа төвийн хагасаар тоглуулаяаа.

Re: MANCHESTER UNITED 2015/16: Youth, Courage, Greatness

PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 1:06 am
by Mojul
Жозэ эхний ярилцлага дундаа Вэнгэрийг байхгүй болгоод хаячсийм бишүү. Зэвүүн гар шүү. Хурдан ПЛ эхлээсэй. Хэн сэдвээ нээх гээд байнаа. Албан ёсоор баг цуглаад байхад шинэ сэдвээ нээчүүл яасы.

Re: MANCHESTER UNITED 2015/16: Youth, Courage, Greatness

PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 7:28 am
by Maslo
Ярилцлагын хамгийн хөгжилтэй хэсэг Mkhitaryan-ы талаар ярьсан хэсэг байлаа.

Сэтгүүлч: Та энэ зун дахиад наймаа хийхээр төлөвлөж байна уу?
Жозе: Сайн мэдэхгүй байна. /клубын PR мэргэжилтэн руу харснаа/ Гурав дахь тоглогчоо зарлачихсан билүү?
PR: Үгүй... /Хэний талаар ярьж байгааг нь мэдэж байгаа сэтгүүлчид нир хийтэл инээлдэв/
Жозе: Аан... Тэгвэл бид гурав дахь тоглогчоо... /дахиад PR мэргэжилтэн руугаа харснаа/ Хэзээ зарлах юм?
PR: Тун удахгүй.
Жозе: Аан тэгвэл тун удахгүй юм байна...

Re: MANCHESTER UNITED 2015/16: Youth, Courage, Greatness

PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 7:48 am
by Mojul
10:59 - Sky ask 'Which ONE are you this time?'. The boss says 'I don't know. It is difficult to describe this club'.
11:00 - "I don't like to say 'Dream Job'. This is reality. I am the Man United manager" - banging out the quotes early!
11:01 - "I am where I want to be. I am a bit frustrated I am not in the Champions League. I am frustrated that I can't continue the chase for Sir Alex's records. Man United is a Champions League club. In July 2017, instead of waiting for Europa League draw, we have to make sure the club is where it should be."

11:02 - BBC ask what is the aim? To compete or to win? "I was never very good hiding behind words and philosophies. I never tried to be good at that. I was always much more aggressive in my approach, and take the risks that can bring. It would be easy to focus on the past three years, but it would be pragmatic to say lets get back to the Champions League. I am not good at that, I am more aggressive, and to be more aggressive is to say We want to win."
11:03 - "I suspect one of you will ask about style of play. I can anticipate that by saying; you can win a short competition or a couple of matches, but you cannot win a league not playing. To win you need to score more than the opponent, to give everything, to make the fans proud. It is an aggressive approach, but it is how I want to be. I want to score goals, I want to not concede goals, I want fans behind us in the last 10 minutes if we're holding on."

11:04 - Daily Mail ask; do you have a point to prove after last season? "There are some managers that last won a title 10 years ago, some have never won a title. I won a title 1 year ago. If I have a lot to prove, then imagine the others!"
11:05 - "I play against myself. I would never be able to work without success."
11:07 - "For so many years, success was routine. These last 3 years need to be forgotten. The players need to forget. To finish 4th? Finishing 4th is not the aim. I'm 53, not 63 or 73. Maybe you are tired of me because I started so young, but I'm a young manager, and I need to go for these big challenges."

11:08 - Premier League productions ask how many more changes are needed to the squad: "I don't know. The third player is already official?" Louise: "No......", Jose: "When?", Louise: "Soon", Jose: "OK. We made 4 positions priority. To give better balance and to get the qualities that I want. Especially vision. I like specialists more than multi-functioned players. I like one or two of those, as you need one or two guys who can fill the problems in a season, but I like specialists more."
11:09 - "We have 2 or 3 confirmed now?" Louise: "2", Jose: "We have 3 (laughter). When we have the 4th, I will breathe, and we will do this before August 31st. I also want to keep happy players."
11:11 - "Imagine someone is not happy here, or gets an offer they want to take, or they want a new option, then once I finish the fundamentals I will breathe, and then the supplemental deals can be made to solve that."
11:12 - "Now there are 20 teams fighting for the title. That is Leicesters legacy. If a team has 5 wins in 5 matches at the start, they will be candidates. The time for a December collapse is over. Leicester they have killed that. To only speak of only one club, or the word I hate; enemy (i hate that in life too), it is not right. It is not like Spain for a 2 horse race, or Italy a 3 team title. Here, it doesn't make sense to take the same approach. If you focus on one team, the others will be laughing. I am the United manager, with all the respect to all the clubs in the country, especially one that was my house for seven years. I have a great time with their fans, but now I am manager of the Biggest club in the UK. But I have the respect to every club in the league."

11:15 - Giggs leaving and youth policy: "First of all, I have 5 more minutes. I need 10 to explain fully. You know how many youth team players I have promoted to a first team? 49....49....49 players from the academies of my clubs. Sometimes you promote players because of no choice, sometimes through mass injury, that is one factor. Another factor is that when you're not playing for big targets you have a chance to bring them up. My injury record is very, very low. I had least injuries in several UEFA notes. Second factor is that I always fight for the title, so there isn't always stability to do it. But I have done 49, and they are names that are Champions League winners, playing in the Euros, playing for their national teams. One lie repeated many times will look true, but is always a lie. So many of YOU, with intention or not, I don't care, but it's not true."
11:19 - "And about Ryan, I will not run away. It is not my fault, Ryan wanted to be Man United manager, and the club for their own reasons decided it was for me. From this moment, Ryan wants to be a manager, like I did 14 years ago. For many of us, we start as assistant coaches, and the time comes to make a decision, so when you ask did I offer him a job, or could he have had a job, he made that decision, he made the brave decision to go, and he has made the step to not only leave from assistant to manager, but also his house of 29 years, and he made the brave and honest step. If he ever wants to come back whilst I'm here, he is welcome, and it is natural one day to be offered the manager job".

11:22 - Any advice from Sir Alex: "Bring an umbrella. Was great advice. Bring my typical bottle of wine, as we will have many occasions to drink together. I cannot see him this week as he is at the Euro's. But when he comes back we're both based in Manchester and he is always welcomed at the training ground, and we will have time to share our personal stuff in life, and his opinion is always important. So many legends are still here and their opinions matter. Agree or not agree, he is always respected and I want to learn what they can teach me."
11:24 - Is Rooney a Striker or Midfielder; "There are many jobs on the field, the most difficult is the guy who puts the ball in the net. It is normal that a player at this age changes. The natural appetite changes. Maybe his not a striker anymore, or a natural 9, but for me he is never a number 6. He is there to put the ball in the net. He will be a 9, a 10 or a 9 and a half. But not a 6 or an 8."
That concludes the press conference. The boss has left, and what an opening show!

Re: MANCHESTER UNITED 2015/16: Youth, Courage, Greatness

PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 3:50 pm
by сайнаа
Моу-н тэр 49 нь гэнээ:

Benfica: Diego Luis, Geraldo Alves

Leiria: Laran Jeiro, Joao Paulo

Porto: Carlos Alberton, Bruno Morais, Pedro Oliveira, Reinaldo, Joca, Hugo Luz

Chelsea (first spell): Hutchinson, Smith, Woods, Grant, Sahar, Watt, Pidgeley

Inter Milan: Santon, Stevanovic, Balotelli, Caldirola, Donati, Rene Khrin

Real Madrid: Morata, Casemiro, Nacho, Jese, Joselu, Tomas Mejias, Omar Mascarel, Fabinho, Pedro Mendes, Jose Rodriguez, Cherishev, Sarabia, Juan Carlos, Diego Lorente, Alex Fernandez, Mateos, Jesus, Adan, Fernando Pacheco Flores, Jorge Casado

Chelsea (second spell): Baker, Salanke, Swift, Loftus-Cheek, Cristensen, Traore.

Re: MANCHESTER UNITED 2015/16: Youth, Courage, Greatness

PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 3:53 pm
by Aagii_03
Mou ch neeree uramtai yarina shuu kk

Re: MANCHESTER UNITED 2015/16: Youth, Courage, Greatness

PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 4:10 pm
by Цогоо
Муу новш чинь дандаа манай өвөө рүү довтолж байдгийн хаха. Ойрын 10 жил түрүүлээгүй л гэж байна.

Re: MANCHESTER UNITED 2015/16: Youth, Courage, Greatness

PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 4:21 pm
by Aagii_03
Хаха 10 жил түрүүлээгүй хүн ч байна...

Би 53 настай, 63, 73 -тай биш ...


Re: MANCHESTER UNITED 2015/16: Youth, Courage, Greatness

PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 11:53 pm
by сайнаа

2015/16 улиралд Henrikh Mkhitaryan бүх тэмцээнд:
52 games
26 assists
23 goals

Re: MANCHESTER UNITED 2015/16: Youth, Courage, Greatness

PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 11:57 pm
by сайнаа

Re: MANCHESTER UNITED 2015/16: Youth, Courage, Greatness

PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 12:21 am
by Devil 7
Марсиал , Рашфорд,Мэнса гуравыг минь л гайгүй гаргаад бгаасай...

Re: MANCHESTER UNITED 2015/16: Youth, Courage, Greatness

PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 5:49 am
by Mojul
Фосу Мэнса л байналдаа. Нөгөө 2т нь боломж гарах байх

Re: MANCHESTER UNITED 2015/16: Youth, Courage, Greatness

PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 6:55 am
by Цогоо
Погбаг авч байна гэхийн? Үнэн бол нээрээ айж байна шүү.

Re: MANCHESTER UNITED 2015/16: Youth, Courage, Greatness

PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 8:16 am
by Жавхаа
Цогоо wrote:Погбаг авч байна гэхийн? Үнэн бол нээрээ айж байна шүү.

энд нэг хүн чацага алдах нь ээ кк

Re: MANCHESTER UNITED 2015/16: Youth, Courage, Greatness

PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 8:18 am
by Цогоо
Танайхан л чацга алдах байх даа. Манайх ч яаж ч миарсан 4-р байртайгаа. :ногоон:

Re: MANCHESTER UNITED 2015/16: Youth, Courage, Greatness

PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 10:26 am
by S.Erdene
Pogba нээрээ их ойртсон л гэцгээж байна. Шар хэвлэлээс гадна ганц нэг цуураад байдаггүй эх сурвалжууд жиргэсэн байхым. Тоглогчтой бол тохирсон. Үнэ нь 100 эсвэл 120 сая. Цуцу эргээд ийм үнээр авахаа мэдсэн бол Ферги яах байсан бол доо

Re: MANCHESTER UNITED 2015/16: Youth, Courage, Greatness

PostPosted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 7:07 am
by Mojul

Jose Mourinho was officially unveiled as Manchester United manager on Tuesday and the club is now delighted to confirm his backroom staff.

Six newcomers will join Mourinho in working with the first team and the existing specialist departments at the Aon Training Complex. The new arrivals are assistant manager Rui Faria, coaches Silvino Louro, Ricardo Formosinho, Carlos Lalin and Emilio Alvarez plus analyst Giovanni Cerra.

Re: MANCHESTER UNITED 2015/16: Youth, Courage, Greatness

PostPosted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 7:14 am
by LeBe
Valdez Boorooruu yavjagumada